Saturday, March 21, 2009

I Am Alive

Many of you have wondered, where has this blogger been lately? It even got to the point yesterday that Mr. Karl Fisch, the technology director at AHS, was getting e-mails from his friends asking if I was ok. Not only that, but I have even had people post on my blog asking where I have been.

The short answer – life has been a little busy. Student teaching, trying to graduate, soccer, life outside of school, family concerns, and a desire to take care of my own self (i.e. exercise and sleep) have outweighed the desire to go ahead and write. I know, that isn’t exactly a great reason, but it is the reason nevertheless. Although, I have been looking forward to this time when I can really reflect, grow, and look forward to the final two weeks at AHS, for over a week.

Well here I am sitting in an amazing coffee shop, and I can’t wait to update you all on my life. So here goes…please read on.