Time flies when you are having fun, right? Well, that is what it has seemed like for the past few months since I have last written. Elvis has NOT left the building, but it did appear that I left the blogging world for a time. Let's find out why...
I have been busy.
That is the understatement of the century. It seems like the life of teaching and directing technology in a building keep people busy. I knew this going in, but I honestly did not think I would be this busy. Between fully scheduled days, special events some weekends, and long nights sending emails and solving problems from abroad, life does not seem to stop when we want it to. Regardless, just because I am busy does not mean that I have not been reflecting or that I have not wanted to write on this blog.
I have not had time.
OK, this is a lame one. It is more of a personal confession that sometimes I get sick of technology. I know, that's hard to say for someone that loves technology as much as I do. However, when the decision is to spend another hour or so writing on my blog or with a real person (like my wife), I am going to choose the real person every time. I need to remember that personal reflection is an integral part of learning and growing. I have continued to reflect in different and new ways, but I just have not put anything on here. Get ready for a ride.
I have expanded my family & life.
I guess last time I blogged I was married, but having another person around changes your priorities. I alluded to this in the last paragraph, but it is a totally true statement. I want to spend time with my wife way more than I want to write sometimes. I love to express what I am learning through text; therefore, I am really looking forward to continuing to blog in the coming months and years. I have also expanded my life. Kind of a weird statement, but essentially my wife and I bought a home together. Exciting, right? It has been great; however, with it comes more space and more responsibility. Both things that take adjustment.
I have not really had a good reason.
Once again, this is kind of a lame reason as well. There are have been some really cool things going on at FAIR School Downtown. In fact, our 1:1 iPad Program in elementary is going so well the administration decided to expand it to K-2 for next year. This year we piloted iPads in middle school and expanded our 1:1 MacBook program to include grades 9-12. Yes, a lot of devices and even more are coming in over the summer. FAIR has also done some really cool stuff with Google Apps for Education (I obtained my Certified Trainer status since the last post as well), Facebook, and SMS text messaging. All of these will probably be blogs for another time. Not to mention the super cool stuff happening each and every day at an arts school in the heart of Minneapolis.
Guess what? I now have a great reason to get back into the blogging world! I started my Masters Degree Program in Instructional Technology at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI). I looked into this program roughly a year and a half ago when I wanted to start my degree. However, they were in the middle of a cohort. Now the new cohort has started and I am privileged to be a part of it. I just got through looking at our first two assignments and we have some great people in this program. In the future you will see some unique and interesting posts on this blog (probably stuff for UNI) and some more of the same stuff you have come to enjoy from Fifty-Nine Minutes.
To my new readers, welcome.
To everyone else, welcome back.
Thanks for reading!